The Ramery Group has many expertise to imagine, design global or details studies, enhance and organise technical solutions to fits best the clients' requests (structures, energy, fluides, roadwork, ...)
Study precisely
Assist in the study of the implementation of projects
Nos domaines d'expertise
Studies, methods and engineering
BIM (Building Information Modeling)
From the conception to the realisation, Ramery uses tools like BIM. BIM allows to plan, conceive et be more efficient for construction projects.
Sites and soils studies
Rammery offers a support from engineering to main works : from diagnostics (studies, sampling, analysis) to studies and sites and soils advices. The Group is able to intervene in different area of expertise like pollution, geotechnology and hydrogeology.
Secteurs d'interventions
Nos atouts
A local expertise
near your sites
A global solution
thanks to various skills
Only one interlocutor
for a dedicated parternship
Do you have a project?
Our multi-skilled experts are at your disposal!
+33 3 20 77 86 00 ou contact us